It was a pleasant surprise to receive the news that my long-dormant ADHD blog, which I hadn't updated since 2017, had been chosen as a top ADHD blog for 2022. The realization left me both thrilled and bewildered. How could a blog that I had neglected for so long still be recognized for its valuable content? Intrigued by the unexpected recognition, I decided to revisit my blog, reminisce about its beginnings, and explore the reasons behind its enduring appeal.
As I clicked on the link to my blog, memories from years past flooded my mind. It was like stepping into a time capsule, transporting me back to a time when I was actively sharing my experiences, insights, and struggles with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The layout, the familiar fonts, and the colorful graphics instantly reminded me of the passion that fueled my writing during those years.
Although my blog was still hosted on the same platform, it felt like a ghost town. The once lively comment section now lay dormant, and the number of page views had dwindled over time. I realized that while I had moved on to a new blogging platform and a fresh online community, the old home of my blog had remained untouched for six years. Nevertheless, the fact that it had been recognized as a top ADHD blog indicated that its content had resonated with readers and continued to provide value.
Curiosity compelled me to explore the reasons behind my blog's recognition despite its inactivity. As I delved into the statistics, I discovered that my old blog posts had gained significant traction in recent years. Many readers had stumbled upon the blog while searching for ADHD-related information and found solace in my past articles. They had connected with my personal stories, advice, and the sense of community fostered through shared experiences.
While I had initially moved on from my old blog, it became evident that the content I had created years ago still held relevance and impact. This realization encouraged me to reignite my passion for writing about ADHD and create a new home for my blog on my current platform. By consolidating my previous work and continuing to share new insights, I hope to build upon the recognition bestowed upon my blog and provide a fresh avenue for those seeking support, understanding, and guidance on their ADHD journey.
Being chosen as a top ADHD blog for 2022, despite my absence from the platform since 2017, has reminded me of the lasting impact of my words and experiences. It's a testament to the enduring value of the content I created years ago and the continued relevance of ADHD-related information. Rediscovering my blog has rekindled my passion for writing and connecting with others who share this journey. As I embark on this new chapter, I invite you to join me in exploring my ADHD blog, where we can learn, support, and grow together in understanding this complex neurological condition.
Check out my ADHD Blog!
Remember, even a six-year-old home can still hold treasures waiting to be rediscovered.
Tara McGillicuddy
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