Over a decade ago I started offering ADHD / ADHD Coaching services for Adults with ADD / ADHD. At the time I wanted to help people and I began offering individual telephone coaching at very affordable rates. I helped a lot of people and really enjoyed what I was doing.
My focus began shifting over the years when ADDClasses.com really took off and I was able to help so many more people with classes and group programs. While I still worked an ADD / ADHD Coach I wasn't taking on very many clients. This past year I began offering the Adult ADD Productivity Circle and the 15 minute group sessions helped hundreds of people get things done. There is really something to those 15 minute text-based sessions!
I am excited to announce that I'm now offering convenient and affordable individual coaching sessions once again! My Focused Action Coaching Sessions are 15 minute text-based sessions that get people Focused and in Action! The cost of each Focused Action Coaching Session is ONLY $11 and you may purchase 1 session at time!
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